"Thirst or Surfeit" is a book of poems by Elizabeth Robinson, the subjects of which are archaeological sites visited or researched by the poet. The binding is a flat-back case binding. Handmade paper inclusions of flax, linen and banana palm fiber are tipped on to the text pages, in place of traditional illustrations. The earthy handmade paper lends a kinetic, visceral quality to the book. Text was letterpress printed from photopolymer plates on a Vandercook #4 proof press. The illustration on the cover is a linoleum block print. Printed in an edition of 50 in 2007. $200
High5 Press aims to provoke energetic reader interaction through innovative texts. As its proprietor, Emily Tipps uses letterpress printing, hand paper making, and an array of binding and printmaking techniques to create books whose texts are in harmony (or concerted disharmony) with their materials. High5 Press is dedicated to craftsmanship as well as to experiment.